Coffee Chats
Informal, members-only virtual chats explore current developments in early care and education. Chat topics often come from our members.

Office Hours with Experts
Early childhood experts present new and relevant resources and opportunities tailored to state leaders. Members can ask questions and engage in discussion in these casual webinars.

Annual Roundtable
Our signature conference brings together early care and education state leaders from across the U.S. to dig into the field’s most pressing issues. Members attend for free.
Discover membership benefits
Join NASLEE and connect with a national community of state leaders. Members enjoy:
Connect with other members in our online network.
Post a question, respond to others, and share resources with other early care and education state leaders in a private setting. You can join a conversation or start your own discussion on a new topic. This members-only resource is unique in the field.

Career development
NASLEE members get up-to-the-minute information on the latest developments in the field, along with opportunities to network and collaborate. Members are also invited to join our committees, contributing to the organization’s leadership and gaining national visibility.
Gain career-building knowledge, tools, and connections.

Full Membership
For state agency employees with major responsibilities related to early childhood care and education
For former NASLEE full members who leave state agency employment
Associate Membership
For related professionals who hold a state-focused position in, or providing services for, a national nonprofit organization related to NASLEE’s purpose
Affiliate Membership
For state agency employees with major responsibilities related to early childhood care and education.
Full Membership
NASLEE full members who leave state agency employment may renew as associate members.
Associate Membership
Membership Levels
Subscription to our listserv of over 300 early childhood education state leaders and partners
Participation in NASLEE Member Committees
Virtual Coffee Chats, Office Hours with Experts, and other free members-only events
Access to the NASLEE Member Network online community
Free admission to our Annual Roundtable (Full Members only)
Professional development opportunities
Access to our Member Directory
Benefits include
Membership levels
Free admission to our Annual Roundtable (Full Members only)
Access to the NASLEE Member Network online community
Access to our Member Directory
Virtual Coffee Chats, Office Hours with Experts, and other free members-only events
Professional development opportunities
Subscription to our listserv of over 300 early childhood education state leaders and partners
Participation in NASLEE Member Committees
Benefits include

Same work, new name! NAECS-SDE is now NASLEE.